
Kundapura is popular for its Temples and variety of places. Accommodation in Kundapura has never been a problem for the travelers. All Kundapura hotels strive hard to provide the best hotel services to their guests. We at Hotel Nagu Palace provide you luxury accommodation at economy prices. Our hotel is a prominent budget hotel in the class of reasonable hotels in Kundapura.

Effortlessly combining grandeur and elegance, we offer a flawless choice for travelers in search of hotels in Kundapura and features 23 fully furnished and air conditioned rooms including Double Rooms, Deluxe Rooms, AC Single Rooms and AC Double Rooms. The hotel also gives a choice of extra beds services. Accommodation at Hotel Nagu Palace provides blissful living combined with sublime comfort and luxury.

Our Tariff

Special Services


Attached Kitchens


A/C Room Service


Wide Parking Space


Closed Circuit T.V

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